Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Time Magazine Person of the Year

They chose it, and it's perfect.


Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Using Yahoo! Answers for public dialogue

Another one that I find fascinating... The creator of Grameen Bank, Muhammad Yunus, who was just awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, posts a question on Yahoo Answers:

How can you help to create a poverty-free world?

Over 4700 people have responded - how is that for a town hall meeting?
Time Magazine Person of the Year Gets Real Voices

I love this. Time Magazine asks for videos of nominations for people of the year 2006 and this guy nominates the creators of youTube. "dejuan" , as far as I'm concerned, explains why YouTube is so popular perfectly.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Bits and Pieces
It seems that in our short-attention span society, there is a growing trend for pushing little solutions to little problems. Yahoo answers, Google answers, and Amazon's Mechanical Turk are all addressing this from a research perspective. Odesk and others are tapping into temporary programmers. It's a great way to have fluctuating on-demand resources and get little things done when you need them. And from the freelancer's perspective, this is the establishment of a new kind of workforce - blind, geopgraphically distributed, and you can take what work you want, do it in your pjs, and leave time to surf...

Thursday, November 16, 2006


The evolution of social networking tools has arrived. Ning is a social networking platform in a box - plug and play. It's a great concept. And given that Marc Andreesen is involved, its got to be pretty sophisticated. Perfect for the non-profit sector - sleek and cheap. Let's see where it goes....
online fundraising tools

The age of the "build your own flat web page" is over - how do we give people their "my spaces" inside our events? And how 'bout layering in social networking? Imagine... you are at a walk and you find people who are on another team, but live in your neighborhood and have children the same age. Walk as a networking event...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

WEB 2.0

I 'm blogging about this at the most apt venue, the Web 2.0 Summit in San Fancisco. It's a rather impressive group of speakers and people, still trying to out-cool eachother , evidenced by the very cool Google lounge and the Lou Reed concert sponsored by AOL. But hey, this thing costs a LOT so i'll take it.

The non-profit sector is pretty much not represented here, either because of the cost or the exclusive invitation process (I had to write an essay to get an invite), and thus people look at my badge with surprise. What can a "charity" possibly learn here? Of course, I explain that we, like all for-profit companies, are dealing with the same issues - how to be relevant in this world of social networking, user-generated content, and web services. Ironically, due mostly to ACS' innovation group, many of the big NVHAs have been talking about this stuff for almost 2 years now. Many of us have used wikis, have dynamic communities, pages on myspace, videos on youtube and photos on flickr. In fact, we just released our "Be a Coinstar" contest (http://www.marchofdimes.com/pad/contest.aspx), where we use a flickr API to pull in photos and people vote on our site. Every day at 3pm, the most popular photo gets published to the top spot. Not only is it user-contributed, it is user organized.

Monday, October 09, 2006

.Mobi Land Rush

We rushed. We bought what we could and we know what we'd love to buy at auction, if we can, but we have no idea how to use it or whether the domain will eventually mean anything to anyone. At the Online Communities Conference, we debated the "why" of .mobi as opposed to short codes. My argument is ... well... it's free vs. cost the the consumer - at least right now.

The next question we'll need to answer is whether we actually build a seperate plaform or just interpret where people are coming from as they enter the .com domain. We have no idea, but we know we need to figure it out. If someone can get content or donate from their cell phone or blackberry, why not?

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I started this over a year ago on a different blog. I need to move the posts over...coming soon