Monday, November 20, 2006

Bits and Pieces
It seems that in our short-attention span society, there is a growing trend for pushing little solutions to little problems. Yahoo answers, Google answers, and Amazon's Mechanical Turk are all addressing this from a research perspective. Odesk and others are tapping into temporary programmers. It's a great way to have fluctuating on-demand resources and get little things done when you need them. And from the freelancer's perspective, this is the establishment of a new kind of workforce - blind, geopgraphically distributed, and you can take what work you want, do it in your pjs, and leave time to surf...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As you have said about freelancers,I believe that rather than waiting for some external jobs or service provider,it's better to go directly through the virtual employee service providing companies.Because going through freelancers consumes time and money.
I have experienced this via a company called as marketraise( it's truly a good service provider for web related services.
Thanks marketraise