Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Be Careful What You Wish For

So we submitted March of Dimes in a contest for the Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco, which is a great conference that I sent a group to last year. There we met our new friends at Goto media and Scrapblog, who helped us pull togethere Every Baby has a Story. We submitted that project as a model for a mashup of 2.0 technologies and they give us, as well as 10 other non-profits a table at the conference.

We are so psyched!

However, now we have to man this table for three days, which means not attending the sessions of the conference. So we are stuck in a dilemma. We have asked for volunteers but it's a pretty big time commitment and someone would have to be pretty familiar with our web projects. Do we fly someone out the SF (from NY) to sit there for three days? Isn't that counter to what a nonprofit should do? And what should be our goals?

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